Financial Aid
Buffalo Stallions through the North American Soccer Association (NASA) offers financial aid to financially challenged youth and their families to assist with Club Fees whenever possible. Financial aid awards are based on the number of players demonstrating need, the extent of that need, and the budget available for financial aid.
The maximum financial aid award is 60% of the Club Fee. This is the MAXIMUM amount - keep in mind that PARTIAL awards may be issued as well.
Financial aid only covers a portion of an Buffalo Stallions soccer player’s fee.
Families are responsible for paying the additional club fees and team fees remaining after financial aid is awarded.
uniform pieces and/or camps/clinics run by the club ARE NOT covered by financial aid
North American Soccer Association uses the US Government Federal Poverty Guidelines
for decisions on awarding Financial Aid (see grid below)
1st priority for Awarding Financial Aid: Those players receiving free lunch benefits (or family incomes at 130% of poverty level or below) Many years, this is the only group receiving financial aid given the volume of requests.
2nd priority for Awarding Financial Aid: Those players receiving reduced lunch benefits (or family incomes at 185% of poverty level or below). Financial Aid awards may only be partial awards in this category.
3rd priority for Awarding Financial Aid: Those families at 250% of poverty level or below. If financial aid money is still available to award the club will consider Financial Aid Awards in this category. Financial Aid awards may only be partial awards in this category.
4th priority for Awarding Financial Aid: Those families at 300% of poverty level or below. If financial aid money is still available to award the club will consider Financial Aid Awards in this category. Financial Aid Awards in this category will only be partial awards.

An award email will be sent by August 1st to players who apply by June 30th. Those families who are not awarded financial aid will also be notified via email.
Families awarded Financial Aid that does not meet their needs will have 72 hours to notify Buffalo Stallions they are rescinding the offer.
To accept your offered team spot, pay the down payment fee within 72 hours of your Financial Aid award. Only when these two steps are completed - registering and paying - will the offer be considered accepted. Please plan ahead to ensure you can make payment within 72 hours of the Financial Aid award.
Coaches will be notified of Pending Status while Financial Aid applications are reviewed. An accepted offer indicating "applying for financial aid" as the payment method AND a completed Financial Aid application with supporting documentation will complete a player's acceptance until Financial Aid is awarded.
Players not meeting the 72 hour deadline after Financial Aid is awarded may be dropped from their team and replaced.
Players not meeting the 48 hour deadline to accept their offer and submit a financial aid application may be dropped from their team and replaced.
Credit card payment is preferred.
For the 2024-25 Season, North American Soccer Association through Buffalo Stallions will be evaluating all requests and sending notifications after offers are made. Given the delayed timing of awards, Buffalo Stallions will allow families who are awarded aid that does not meet their needs 72 hours (3 days) to notify Buffalo Stallions they are declining the offer due to financial reasons. Players who comply with this rule will receive a refund of the deposit
Complete the online Application for Financial Aid (a separate application for each player), which includes Attaching a copy of one of the supporting documents listed below. Incomplete applications cannot be reviewed. All financial aid applications must be completed online.
Aid is awarded on a first come, first served basis as determined by the date of receipt and income level, with current Buffalo Stallions players having first priority. Financial aid funds are limited in availability and will run out quickly during the award process. Once all aid is awarded, eligible players will be placed on a wait list. Families should submit financial aid applications today and not later than:
June 30th
Questions? Contact Brian Cribbs at:
Please review this information prior to submitting your 2024-2025 Financial Aid Application.
Remember, a separate application must be completed for each child (player) AND supporting documentation must reflect each players name as registered*
Please have one of the following income verification documents listed below ready to be uploaded BEFORE you fill out the financial aid application. Applications with missing documentation cannot be reviewed.
Current Proof of Eligibility for Free or Reduced Lunch Program (copy of current lunch letter). If player is at private school then provide 1040 forms (see next entry)
Copy of 2023 0r 24 Federal Tax 1040 form with ALL W-2s and 1099s filed by all members of the household. If you are self-employed you must also provide Schedule-C.
Current Proof of Eligibility LETTER for Woman Infant and Children Program (WIC)
Current Proof of Eligibility LETTER for Temporary Assistance to Needy Families Program (TANF)
Current Proof of Eligibility LETTER for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly food stamps)
Volunteer Commitment
Each family that receives financial aid will be required to complete some volunteer service.Volunteers are needed throughout the year for tournaments, field set up and tear down ad many other club events. At times, the Board, Executive Director, The Club Administrator, or the Directors of Coaching may reach out to our financial aid recipients with volunteer opportunities. It also remains the responsibility of the family to seek out volunteer hours
Other Financial Aid and Help
Insurance Wellness Programs - Independent Health and Blue Cross Blue Shield
We are now registered and/or accepting most Independent Health and Blue Cross Blue Shield wellness cards. The responsibility of knowing if your plan qualifies is on the individual family, not Empire. In most cases, you can pay on your child’s player fees using the wellness credits through our online registration system.
If you want to use a specific amount that is different than a payment amount we have two options;
Send us your wellness card information so we can make the partial payment for you (preferred)
Send us an email stating how much you want to use on your card and we can adjust one of your payment amounts to match.
Fundraising Ideas
Empire is not currently staffed to set up and run fundraisers. However, over the years we've accumulated a number of ideas and options that would be supported. All that is needed is an individual(s) who want to lead an initiative. If you are looking for ways to defray costs of participating in the program and you have the time and energy to lead a fundraising initiative, let us know.
Family Discounts*
If you have two children in the program we’ll discount both tuition amounts by 4%
If you have three children in the program we’ll discount all three tuition amounts by 8%